Ultra Utilities
Ultra Utilities (NMV)(1993).iso
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* To help in the speedy processing of your registration, all
items on the registration form must be filled out and be
correct without error, and posted in with your money.
* Cheques and money orders should be made out in the name of
registration site, ie. to register in the United States or
Canada you would register at the Nth. American Registration
Site and cheques therefore should be made out to Steve
Richardson. Please read the files: America.Reg, Europe.Reg
or Oceania.Reg, included in this archive, for the details
of the registration site name etc. for your area.
* If you need a receipt of your payment to be returned to you
please make a clear note that you wish for a receipt. Your
local aurthorised registration site will return the receipt
with your registration details and serial number.
Thank You
Adam Blake
Intelware Software - Australia
Registration fees and authorised registration sites are given
in the files: Oceania.Reg
Europe .Reg
There are three types of registrations, detailed below:
Non-Commercial: (US$40)
Noncommercial systems are those that are run in a
private residence, and are not run for a profit,
or for commercial gain. Registration will be for
one programme and for one person. All future
versions and upgrades will be free of charge unless
notified prior to the release of a major update.
Single Commercial: (US$65)
A system is considered commercial if it is either
run from a commercial site or run for profit or
commercial gain, if the system is run by a non-
profit organisation, such as a fund raiser, you
should contact your local authorised registration
site. Registration will be for one programme and
for one person. All future versions and upgrades
will be free of charge unless notified prior to the
release of a major update.
Multiple Commercial License ($Call)
This special registration can be tailored to the
need of the company registering the product, it
will provide for a limited or unlimted license and
will entitle a company to have a limited or
unlimited number of registered copies of the
programme. These copies may be used internally only
or may be for distribution to clients. Your company
can request a special version containing company
details in the actual programme,which may be passed
to your clients. Please contact your nearest
registration site and present all details so that a
contract may be drawn up and a dollar value placed
on the license.
Surname: _______________________ First Name: ____________________
or Company Name: ________________________________________________
Postal Address: _________________________________________________
__________________________________________ Post Code: __________
State: _________________________ Country: ______________________
Telephone - Home (___) _____________ Business (___) _____________
What do you like about Communiqué ? _____________________________
Do you have any suggestions for future releases of Communiqué ?
Which version of Communiqué are you registering : ____.____
Type of registration ? [ Non-Commercial / Commercial ]
How many copies are you registering ? _______ for $____.____ each
TOTAL $____.____
Credit Card Details:
Name on Card: _______________________ Number: ___________________
Expiry Date: ____/____/____ Card Type [ MasterCard / VisaCard ]
(Please see the registration infomation for your region.)
____________________________________ Date: ______/______/______